In accord with the Gwinnett Republican Party Rules, the County Committee is the governing body of the party. The CC is required to meet every other month for information sharing and to transact party business including electing officers to the Executive Board when they become vacant, approve annual budgets, and so on.
Party Rules
Against Critical Race Theory
WHEREAS, Diversity, equity, and inclusion seems to have entered the bloodstream of U.S politics; and
WHEREAS, Diversity doesn’t mean celebrating people of different colors, according to the Left. It means a tightly policed uniformity of views. At best, diversity has come to mean an identity-based approach to society and racial quotas; and
WHEREAS, Inclusion is a call for language codes because it demands that people only use “inclusive” language as defined by the Left; and
WHEREAS, Equity, perhaps the worst distortion of the three, has come to mean that the government must treat people differently because of their race, country of origin, or other immutable characteristics. The goal is to guarantee an equality of outcomes, which used to be the Marxist goal, not the American one; and
WHEREAS, All these things violate American ideals and Laws. Diversity is all but a call for quotas, which are illegal. Inclusion violates the First Amendment. Equity violates the 14th Amendment equal protection clause, as well as the Civil Rights Act of 1964; and
WHEREAS, All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness; and
WHEREAS, The First Amendment guarantees the right to free speech;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, we, the Delegates of Gwinnett County Republican Convention, call upon all our Gwinnett County Republican delegation to oppose DEI in all its forms in Education, Government, Employment, etc.;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the Secretary of Gwinnett County Republican Party
Convention is directed to immediately transmit an appropriate copy of this resolution to the Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party and to all elected Gwinnett County Republican officials in the Georgia Senate and in the Georgia House; to the Honorable Brian Kemp, Governor of the State of Georgia, the Honorable Burt Jones, Lieutenant Governor of the State of Georgia; and to the Honorable Jon Burns, Speaker of the House of Representatives.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Gwinnett County Republican Party shall issue a press release including the contents of this resolution and stating that this resolution was passed by the Gwinnett County Republican Party, and that this Resolution shall be posted in perpetuity on the Gwinnett Republicans web-site in a readily accessible location as a downloadable document.
In Support of Full Independent Audits of 2021 Election
WHEREAS secure election processes are the cornerstone of a free nation and the people of Georgia expect the highest level of stewardship for our voting processes
WHEREAS the administration of elections is a core competency of the State of Georgia.
WHEREAS all voter data bases should be stored and managed on state owned computer systems and operated only by state employees to protect sensitive data of the electors in the state.
WHEREAS the people of Georgia deserve simple and foolproof voting processes.
WHEREAS the Election Clause of the Constitution, Art 1, sec. 4, 1: invests the states with responsibility for the mechanics of congressional elections, but grants Congress “the power to override state regulations by establishing uniform rules for federal elections; and
WHEREAS 2 U.S.C.1, section 7, mandates congressional and presidential elections on a single day in November. (2 U.S.C. 1, section 7:“The Tuesday next after the 1st Monday in November, in every even numbered year, is established as the day for the election, in each of the States and Territories of the United States, of Representatives and Delegates to the Congress commencing on the 3d day of January next thereafter. (R.S. § 25; Mar. 3, 1875, ch. 130, § 6, 18 Stat. 400; June 5, 1934, ch. 390, § 2, 48 Stat. 879.)
Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Gwinnett County GOP that its members formally request from our elected officials the following:
Voter data bases to be stored and managed on state owned computers only and operated solely by state employees. Subcontracting is to be avoided.
A bias in favor of simple and foolproof voting mechanism and processes is necessary and required. This means a return to paper ballots, and if electronic voting is retained the system must be open-source software, third party verifiable.
Advanced in Person early voting to be eliminated in order to adhere to Federal law as it pertains to uniformity in elections. Voting by absentee ballot is to be scaled to a minimum.
A higher regard and value is to be placed on hiring and training county election staff and poll workers. Consistency in training and higher level pay need to be implemented.
Be it further resolved that the secretary of the Gwinnett County GOP directly transmit this Resolution to the Governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, the Lieutenant Governor of Georgia, Burt Jones, and Attorney General of Georgia, Chris Carr, and to President Pro Tempore Senator John Kennedy, and Speaker House Representative, Jon Burns.